18dec5:00 pm8:00 pmSharks Gala

Event Details

The Sharks Gala is back!

For those who have not taken part in this before, it is the club’s annual FUN gala, which is open to all swimmers, from Aquabears to Masters and yes, parents too!.  The gala is free to enter and is FUN FUN FUN for all.

The date for the diary is Sunday 18th December, and the gala takes the place on the last Sunday training session of the year, from 5pm to 8pm.  Therefore, hopefully everyone should be free to swim in the gala, and we really want everyone to take part.

The format of the Sharks gala is for 6 teams of sharks, made up of a mix of all the swimming groups, undertaking a range of different swim races.  As well as some ‘normal’ relay races, there will also be challenges such the egg and spoon race, kicking with the big floats, and a relay swimming with reindeer antlers!  Everyone gets to swim and there are special-coloured hats and face paints to really get into the team mood!  Cheering on teammates and making as much noise as possible is obligatory.

Lastly, and subject to parental partaking, a race for all those adults who want to show their children how to really SWIM!  This is generally known as the ‘wrinklies’ race and don’t worry, you will be supported by the Masters and it is only one length of the pool.  There is rumour that the wrinklies race could be made into a relay against the swim coaches, so parents, the gauntlet has been thrown down by the coaches!

The Sharks Gala is going to be coordinated by Mark Ayres, a veteran of the swimming club, who has not only had his three children progress through the club, but as a masters swimmer, he has consistently taken part in the gala himself.  We also have the benefit of enlisting 6 experienced team managers, who have all swum in the event many times.  However, we will need volunteers to aid the smooth running of the event, ranging from people serving drinks to poolside helpers, place judges, to lane marshals to get swimmers to their race.

Go on to swim manager and register to enter the event for your child under Meets, Sharks Gala, as well as yourself (click SUBMIT) to submit your entry!

Please can you also volunteer to help out on the day, as this will also help to spread the load, no experience necessary and there are a variety of jobs, from being a starter, judge, lane end, using a stop watch, drinks/refreshments.

To sign up to volunteer and to swim as a parent, go to Events on Swim Manager and select the options for Sharks Gala. No experience is necessary for volunteering, as there are a range of jobs that will suit anyone.



(Sunday) 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Hemel Hempstead Leisure Centre

Park Road


We are a competitive sport club, with our swimmers competing

at all levels from local team galas to National and European events.